Get Involved with MYT

Volunteer at Shows
We are a community theater that LOVES when every family member becomes a part of our productions. There are so many places you can help us make our shows a huge success for our actors. Please note that volunteers must be at least 16 years old to volunteer for certain positions. Fill out the form below, and your point person will contact you.
Set Construction is for those interested in helping build the actual set pieces. We always appreciate it when you can supply your own tools, such as power drills. Set Construction begins on the morning of Saturday, May 4th, at Morse Theater.
Set Painting is for those helping with painting the set pieces. We will supply paints and brushes, but you are always welcome to bring your own supplies. We will begin painting in the afternoon of Saturday May 4th.
Both set construction and painting with continue through the weekend. Our hope is to have as much done as possible in those two days.
The backstage crew is open to all interested in helping move set pieces during the actual performances. You begin your training on Tech Week to be able to learn the ropes before the shows.
Ticket and Concession Table help is for those who want to help collect payment and ticket sales at the beginning of shows. Concession table help is for those wanting to volunteer to man the concession table during productions.
Child Wrangling is for those interested in helping us keep the kids happy and on track backstage during productions. All positions needed during the shows do not mean you have to volunteer for all five shows, so make sure to be clear on your availability.
Donate to MYT
Midcoast Youth Theater is a non-profit organization. We LOVE getting our MYT families involved through productions and all year long. Please consider one or more ways you can contribute to our organization.
If you want to donate time during our show weeks, please visit this page to see your options.
Interested in making a financial tax-deductible donation to MYT? Click the link below to donate, and THANK YOU in advance!
Interesting in becoming a valued MYT season sponsor? Email info@midcoastyouththeater.org to learn more.